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Parent Teacher Conferences

| Alejandro Malespin |


Parent Teacher Conferences are coming soon! Be sure to sign up for a conferencing time slot.

Helpful tips to make the most of your conference:

  • Be prepared. Write down questions or things you would like to discuss and email the teachers with your questions before the conference.
  • Confer with your child. Ask your child if there is anything they would like you to discuss with the teachers.
  • Use your time carefully. Keep the conference focused on the child and the purpose of the conference.
  • Listen and share. Be open to suggestions from the teacher and be prepared to share suggestions of your own. No one knows your child like you know them.
  • Ask for clarification. If you are unclear about what the teacher is telling you about your child, ask for specific examples. Remember that you and the teachers are a team and your main focus is meeting the needs of your child.
  • Write it down. Take notes so you can share information with your child after the meeting.
  • Keep the teacher informed. Things happening at home often affect children’s behavior and performance at school.
  • Summarize. At the end, make sure that everyone understands what was talked about and what they have committed to do.
  • Follow up. If you have items that need to be followed up on, establish a check-in date.

Please note, the school and office are closed on all PTC days.