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Tag: Earth Day

Earth Day Assembly

The weather was perfect for our whole school to assemble on the field to celebrate Earth Day.

Katie (teacher in Magnolias) and Wren and Alice (students from Uinta) led us in singing the Garden Song. Katie played guitar and was accompanied by Alice on strings and Wren on keyboard. The had only one opportunity beforehand to rehearse together but it was a polished performance nevertheless.

Donda (teacher of OC and GO) read us a beautiful book by April Pulley Sayre called Thank you Earth- A Love Letter to Our Earth.

And then the moment we had all been waiting for arrived- the butterfly release. Brandi (school director) and Jenn (teacher in Stars) brought the butterfly enclosures into the middle of the grass and gently opened the tops. Infants through 6th grade watched and waited as the butterflies warmed up in the sun. Oohs were heard as some of the butterflies experimentally flapped their wings. Finally they flew.

Around the world people view the butterfly as representing endurance, change, hope and life. Our hope is that we learn to have a greater appreciation for all the earth provides and that we revisit our responsibility to preserve and use her gifts in a respectful manner.

Earth Day Inspiration

Our Upper Elementary class have been studying poetry and in the process of searching for inspiration for a Haiku poem, one of our 5th year students wrote the below poem, free-verse style. Sevilla told us that Free-Verse is her favorite style of poetry because it doesn’t put any limitations on the writer and allows for more creativity than other types of poetry.  Please enjoy. For more inspiring work by our Uinta students (9-12 year olds), be sure to visit the lower level east hallway (near the dance studio).

Earth Day Inspiration

Our world will soon be ashes,
So dreamers listen up.
Our world will be a graveyard,
As humans raise their cup.
Our world will be a ghost town,
Before you can even blink.
Because even the sturdiest swimmer,
Eventually will sink.
So dreamers, find your wild side,
So explorers find your earth,
So workers find your forest,
And wanderers find your mirth.
Call upon the fire,
Buried deep within your bones.
Because everybody must unite,
If we want to save our home.
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by Sevilla Devries

MCS Recognizes Earth Day







Montessori Community School loves the passion our students have toward caring for our earth. They help with keeping our grounds clear of trash, working in our gardens, composting, and planting raised garden beds. Our students also implement and are responsible for recycling throughout our school. We try very hard to make our school and community a greener place.