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Tag: Get involved

FMSL Staff Participate in Community Service

Ready to get dirty!

​On the recent Professional Development Day, FMSL staff participated in a service project during the break between the training sessions.

Kenzee and Christina worked outside the 1700 South entrance.

​Staff members were broken up into six garden crews and assigned to specific areas of the campus to work in.

Infant, toddler, early childhood and admin staff collaborated on the pots.

Each group was given tools and spring blooming bulbs, corms or rhizomes to plant.

The task involved watering and clean up!
The crews were deliberately orchestrated to include staff from different departments and with mixed experience in gardening.
Robyn helped provide great gardening tips to her crew.

Problem solving, teambuilding, and a little sweat enducing hard work were the name of the game.

They seem pretty pleased with themselves!

And best of all, delayed gratification!

Jordan gets to work.

We look forward to seeing the results of their efforts in spring of 2022.

Keep your eyes peeled for the first flowers!

Join the MCS PSA!

MCS-Parent School Alliance T.E.A.M.
Together Everyone Achieves More!

Before I became involved in the PSA, I noticed for years that most of the burden fell on one or two people, and I thought that was just too much; especially when you are juggling kids, work and life. So when I was asked by the MCS Administration to get involved, I suggested a restructuring of the PSA to become a “Team” representing all the age groups but with an emphasis on the Toddler and Early Childhood groups since they are our meat and potatoes.  This PSA Team concept is now completing its second year with, I believe, great success on many levels.  First, the obvious, the 6 reps share the roles, no one person is working alone; second, we have more of a presence on campus as a team; and third, we actually enjoy each other and collectively want to generate excitement and enthusiasm within our community. Who doesn’t want to be involved in that?

Since my son is graduating this year from MCS, this is my last year with the MCS PSA and I want to encourage those interested to consider joining the PSA Team next school year.  We have such a unique, wonderful and supportive community of children, parents, teachers and staff that it makes it so much easier to be a part of the team.

If you are interested please email us at

Thank you for your support,

Annie Guerrero
Uinta Parent

MCS’ 2015 – 2016 PSA Team

Left to right: Jeannette Shaffer: Lower Elementary, Gretchen Strear: Early Childhood, Greg Feucht: Toddlers, Annie Guerrero: Upper Elementary, Soo Schmidt: Early Childhood

This year, the Parent School Alliance (PSA) has been restructured to include one (1) representative for the Toddler, Lower Elementary & Upper Elementary age groups, and two (2) representatives for the Early Childhood age group. We hope that the presence of a PSA Team will continue to help facilitate conversations between parents and the school, and to create events throughout the year that give us an opportunity to get to know each other, and have some FUN!

The PSA includes parents, faculty, and administrative staff of MCS and allows us to work together with a mission to offer support to our school, which allows our children to get the most out of their education.

There are a number of ways for you to get involved such as various Social Events, Fundraisers and MCS Community Committees. We would love your enthusiasm and assistance in getting involved with Community Building for your child’s class, the Halloween Carnival, the Spring Music & Dance Performances, the Art Showcase and the End of Year Carnival. By participating you will work toward completing your parent participation hours, have some fun and it will also give you a chance to help improve our school.

Parents are always encouraged to participate as volunteers in the classroom, help with events, and attend our PSA activities throughout the year. Volunteer opportunities are fun, diverse, and vary in time commitment. We encourage you to be as involved as your schedule will permit.

We look forward to working with you over the next year. Please feel free to contact us at any time. Also, we will have a PSA Suggestion Box in the office at all times, and we will be available to answer any of your questions via this box or you can email us direct

Thank you again for your support.