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Tag: MCS Administration


Foothill Montessori of Salt Lake’s current policy on immunizations states that we must have up-to-date immunization records or a completed and signed Utah Department of Health exemption (for medical, religious or personal reasons) on file before each child’s first day of attendance.

It is the intention of FMSL to require a student who has claimed an exemption to all vaccines or to one vaccine to stay home from school if there is good cause to believe that:

  • The student has a vaccine preventable disease,
  • Has been exposed to a vaccine-preventable disease,
  • Or will be exposed to a vaccine-preventable disease as a result of school attendance.

An excluded student may not attend school until the local health officer is satisfied that a student is no longer at risk of contracting or transmitting a vaccine-preventable disease.

Our records for this academic year indicate that we currently have less than 1% of our total enrollment with a status of exempt. Families with a student in a classroom that has an exempted student will be contacted directly. We recognize that this information is important to all in our community. We encourage you to reach out to us should you have questions or concerns. We also encourage you to speak to your doctor for advice should you have reason to take extra precautions for loved ones.

Please note that our policy on immunization is currently under review. In addition, we are working toward organizing committees to (1) review best practices in regards to limiting the spread of infectious diseases in the school setting and (2) establish opportunities for the education of our staff and families regarding important health and safety measures. A town hall forum is being planned for early October to appraise our community of the work-to-date in these matters as well as allow our stakeholders an opportunity to give input. Should you wish to be involved in either of these committees, or weigh in on the review of the policy, please contact Robyn, Brandi or Britney directly. We would be happy to share our preliminary plans of action with you and include you in the planning and scheduling of the committees.

Welcome to 2017-2018 from MCS Admin

Dear Montessori Community  School Families,

Each year as we welcome back our returning students and families and welcome our new students and their families to our school community we feel such a sense of anticipation for all the experiences we will enjoy together during the academic year.
By the time that the children  arrive the teachers have worked tirelessly for 7 days to prepare their  beautiful environments for the arrival of their students. There is such a buzz of anticipation that is infectious. Everyone is so excited about all the possibilities of the new school year. And finally the children are here and the year begins. It is always such a special time for all of us.
As we move forward this year we want you all to know that we are grateful to all families who have entrusted their beautiful children into our care. We are dedicated to “following each child” to  best support their optimum growth emotionally, socially and academically. We look forward to building partnerships with each of you so as to afford your child/ren the best possible experience.
Please know that we will always make ourselves available to answer questions or respond to comments. Our doors are usually open and we invite you to stop in. We appreciate the opportunities to further develop our relationships.
Thanks to those of you who were able to join us for the New Student Orientation on Tuesday morning and the Back To School Night for Toddlers and Early Childhood families that evening.  We look forward to getting to know you better at such events as our Welcome Picnics and ongoing community events.
We are grateful for our dedicated and caring teachers and all of our families and look forward to an incredible year.
Best wishes,
Robyn, Ramira and Britney