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Tag: Private Montessori School Salt Lake City

PSA and Building Community

This year, our PSA Committee reinstated Coffee Tuesday. The first Tuesday of every month from 8:15 – 9:30 am Coffee, Tea, and a light snack were provided along with MCS’ PSA members.

What a wonderful opportunity these gatherings were to get to know our families and create a greater sense of unity.Part of our mission is to work together with administration and staff to help strengthen, support, and empower our community here at the school. Among the many festivities the PSA heads up, Coffee Tuesday is on of our favorites. If you didn’t get a chance to swing by and say hi this year, we will start again next fall.

Leadership such as the PSA offers is key to sustaining and maintaining our tight community feel here at the school. MCS does support strong parent involvement and community roles. This is why they have instigated the Parent Participation Hours. Although commitment grows in a natural way, as leaders and group members, you can help foster and direct where organizational goals, events, and projects go. Through parent involvement, the school becomes a collective. They not only take Montessori philosophy by understanding and working with the whole child, but truly want to include the child’s whole family, creating one giant Montessori Community School family.

Families accepted into the Montessori Community School have all committed to this organization because they have felt something important and perhaps gained a respect for the philosophy and mission. We are all impacting each other’s lives and foundational education of our beautiful, bright children. Let us support our children through the educational means by which we have entrusted our precious little ones by being more involved in what they have come to love and consider this school o be, a home away from home.

If you would like to be more involved or part of the PSA, please contact us at We meet once a month to discuss upcoming events and planning. We would love to hear your voices.


Your PSA Representatives




Parent Education Night – Preparing for Adolescence

MCS Parents,

Please join us for Parent Education Night next Tuesday, March 8th, from 6:30-8pm. Child care will be available but must be signed up for in advance. There is a sign up sheet in the office.

Melissa DeVries, Ph.D, MCS School Psychologist and parent will be talking about adolescence…because its never too early to prepare. Below is an excerpt from Melissa about her upcoming presentation.

“We should be like lighthouses for our children—beacons of light on a stable shoreline from which they can safely navigate the world. We must make certain they don’t crash against the rocks, but trust they have the capacity to learn to ride the waves on their own.” –-Kenneth R. Ginsburg, MD, MS Ed, FAAP

Adolescence is a uniquely challenging, yet rewarding period of development for both parents and teens. Teens are trying to find the answer to “who am I?” by striving for more independence, seeking new experiences. Meanwhile, parents are realizing their time and direct influence is decreasing and they may fear “how will I ever be able to let them go?” or “are they ready?”

No matter your child’s age, it is never too early, or too late, to start thinking about adolescence. Not just getting through the here and now, but preparing your children to survive and thrive far into the future. Join us for an informative evening of education and discussion about parenting during the adolescent years presented by MCS School Psychologist, Melissa DeVries, PhD. Information presented will include an overview of research on adolescent brain development, and parenting strategies from a leading expert in adolescent medicine with an emphasis on how these strategies fit with a Montessori perspective.

Melissa DeVries, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist who provides contracted psychological services to the Montessori Community School and Valley Behavioral Health. She holds a Ph.D. in School Psychology from the University of Arizona. Dr. DeVries has co-edited textbooks and numerous book chapters on various topics within child and adolescent mental health and developmental disorders. Dr. DeVries provides psychotherapy and behavioral consultation for children and adolescents, parenting education and classroom consultation. She also possesses extensive background and experience in comprehensive evaluation for learning, behavioral, and emotional disorders across the lifespan. In her free time, Dr. DeVries enjoys playing recreational soccer, skiing, running and rock climbing.

Chaperoning During Winter Sports

Chaperoning during Winter Sports is a great way to get your Parent Volunteer Hours in. It is also challenging, rewarding, and a lot of fun; however, there are certain guidelines and expectations to adhere by.

Firstly, as a Winter Sports Program Chaperone you will have multiple duties. These duties include helping to keep the peace and monitor the students for safety issues and concerns. Some safety issues to keep in mind while chaperoning are:

  • Head Counts: Please keep a sharp eye on the students coming and going from the school to the bus, bus to the Cottonwood Room, Cottonwood Room to the restrooms, etc.
  • Please ensure all students are wearing their helmets and goggles. If a student has forgotten one of those items, please let the two Winter Sports Program representatives know and they, in turn, will get that item from an instructor.
  • If following a Ski School Group on the mountain, please ensure the youngest children wearing yellow aprons are riding the lifts with an adult.
  • Have a clear understanding of which children you are in charge of carries and/or uses an Epi-Pen and/or Inhaler. (Each week prior to leaving the school, you will be briefed on this information).
  • Help the students to listen and be respectful, by being the example- please no jabbing on the phone if you are to be watching the students.

Other expectations as a Winter Sports Parent Chaperone are as follows:

  • Please let the students do as much as possible by themselves: this includes loading and unloading their gear.
  • Please do not purchase hot chocolate or any item for the students while away.
  • Please allow the students time to socialize with each other on the bus and not with your personal electronic devices.
  • Follow all directions from the ski instructors and not interrupt or critique the instructors or the lesson. If you have concerns with an instructor or the lesson, please let one of our two representatives know upon your return to the school.
  • Help the students to support their peers and use teamwork.
  • Talk with the students about the lesson and emphasis the importance of skills-refining. Try to steer conversations away from a “leveled system”.

As the program draws near, each Parent Chaperone will be contacted with more specific details and a timeline. If you have questions about chaperoning, please contact the MCS Office.

MCS & The Adopt-A-Native-Elder Program

On Thursday, November 5th our Lower Elementary, 3rd Year students will have the opportunity to learn about the Navajo way of life at the Deer Valley Navajo Rug Show. For more than fifteen years, the Montessori Community School has sponsored our Navajo grandmothers through the Adopt-a-Native-Elder Program.


Grandmother Elvira Horseherder speaks to our students and tells them the meaning of the rug pattern she wove for them and our school.

The Program supports traditional Elders who live in the cultural and spiritual traditions of The Dine’ People. Most live in remote portions of the Dine’s (Navajo) reservation. As they have become elderly, it is difficult for them to support themselves on the Land in their traditional ways. The program provides food, simple medicines, clothing, firewood, fabric, and yarns to help these Elders live on the Land in their traditional lifestyle.

Our MCS community adopted Navajo grandmothers, Grandmother Emma Bahe, and Grandmother Elvira Horseherder. Each fall, Grandmother Elvira attends the rug show and spends some time with the children. She is a wonderful woman with a generous spirit and the children love the interaction with her. Though Grandmother Emma’s health keeps her from making the long journey to the annual Rug Show, she sends her love through the rugs she weaves, which we are able to see on our trip.

Grandmother Elvira Horseherder


Grandmother Emma Bahe

Our students, along with students from several other schools, are given the opportunity to watch a presentation given by Elvira and other elders on various aspects of the Navajo culture (i.e. hogans, weaving, corn grinding, etc.). In recent years, a few of our students have had the opportunity to try out the looms or have their hair tied up Navajo style (for those with long hair).   The elders travel hundreds of miles to the Rug Show and we are very grateful to have the rare opportunity to experience a first-hand glimpse of the Navajo way of life.

MCS students getting their hair tied in the traditional Navajo way.

We will be collecting dried and canned food, VISA gift cards, tools, toiletries, clothing, lightly used children’s coats, gloves, hats, backpacks, and school supplies (a more detailed list of items can be found clipped to the sign in the MCS lobby) to give to the Navajo elders. Watch for collection bins outside your student’s classroom.



Our students will deliver the donations to the Navajo elders on the day of the Rug Show. We really look forward to this wonderful tradition and love to learn more about and be immersed in the Dine’s rich culture.