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Tag: Winter Sports Private School Program

Winter Sports Closing Ceremony

And just like that Winter Sports 2022 is over. These past 5 weeks have flown by. Judging by the happy (and tired) students that emerged from the buses each week it appears that fun was had by all.

Our gratitude to everyone who made Winter Sports possible. 

There is nothing quite like the panic of missing snow-pants, a broken clasp on a helmet, or the confusion of 4 sets of skis that all look alike and the label has rubbed off. However, and whatever the new challenge was, the buzz and excitement of the students made it all worthwhile. Thank you to all the staff and parent volunteers who made each week possible.

Transporting eighty plus students, with gear and equipment, is no small feat. It required a great deal of preparation, practice, and patience. Our gratitude to Sabine for her time and effort to organize people, places and things. Heartfelt gratitude also to all the chaperones, staff and parents alike, who accompanied the students each week. Your support was invaluable.

Winter Sports challenged the students in so many ways. They had to step out of their regular school day schedule with several tricky transitions from eating lunch earlier, changing into proper clothing and gear, keeping track of gear and bags, moving to and from buses, meeting up and working with different groups of peers and instructors, developing new skills, and so much more. They met that challenge. We thank the students for being respectful and responsible and for helping peers in need.

Transporting eighty plus students, with gear and equipment, is no small feat. It required a great deal of preparation, practice, and patience. Our gratitude to Sabine for her time and effort to organize people, places and things. Heartfelt gratitude also to all the chaperones, staff and parents alike, who accompanied the students each week. Your support was invaluable.

Winter Sports challenged the students in so many ways. They had to step out of their regular school day schedule with several tricky transitions from eating lunch earlier, changing into proper clothing and gear, keeping track of gear and bags, moving to and from buses, meeting up and working with different groups of peers and instructors, developing new skills, and so much more. They met that challenge. We thank the students for being respectful and responsible and for helping peers in need.

Lastly, but by no means least, we are grateful to the instructors at Snowbird. They made learning new techniques possible and helped many students step out of their comfort zone to overcome fears or frustrations. Our gratitude to Snowbird ski and snowboarding instructors for making lessons safe and fun!

Please help evaluate our existing program and provide points for consideration when it’s time to prepare for Winter Sports ’23. 

Winter Sports 2022

​FMSL partners with a local resort each year to allow our students a region specific experience of ski and snowboard lessons. This year, our Winter Sports Program will take place at Snowbird- January 12th, 19th, 26th, February 2nd and 9th. Students K-6th Grade are eligible to participate in Winter Sports and are automatically enrolled in the program.

Registration & Payment:

All eligible students will automatically be billed for Winter Sports- $350 for Kindergarten aged students and $325 for elementary aged students. The afore mentioned amount/s will be added to your FACTS incidental account. If your child will not be participating in Winter Sports please email Sabine at to ensure that you are not billed.


Please note the following expectations to help your child be ready to participate in the Winter Sports Program:

  • Respect, grace and courtesy are expected at all times.
  • Students are responsible for being prepared each week for Winter Sports.
  • Students are expected to carry and keep track of their belongings and equipment.
  • On the bus, students need to sit in their assigned seats and speak quietly with their seatmate.
  • Students must stay with their group, listen and follow directions.

If a student is disrespectful, fails to adjust their behavior, or disregards directions, they will be asked to sit out. Depending on the severity of the situation, they may be asked to miss the next lesson. No refunds will be offered.


It is recommended that you start looking into booking rentals for your student. When borrowing equipment from family or friends, be sure to have your child’s gear checked by a reputable shop. Children grow very quickly, so double check that their clothes and equipment fit them correctly. A list of swaps and shops can be found here.


Chaperoning during Winter Sports is a great way to get your Parent Volunteer Hours in. It is also challenging, rewarding, and a lot of fun! Please review the guidelines and expectations linked here and if you are willing to commit we ask that you sign up by completing this short Google form.

The recording of the recent Information Meeting can be found here.

Winter Sports: The Challenge and the Benefits

Yes! The first two weeks of FMSL’ Winter Sports Ski and Snowboard lessons have gone well. Thank you to all those staff and parent volunteers who are making this program so successful and organized.

Why skiing and snowboarding, you wonder? It has always been a goal to be able to give each elementary student the opportunity to explore the sports as part of our great Wasatch Front, and world-renowned mountain slopes.

Transporting eighty plus students, with gear, snacks, and equipment is no small feat. There is a lot of preparation, practice, and patience involved. There is nothing quite like the panic of missing snow-pants, a broken clasp on a helmet, or the confusion of 4 sets of skis that all look alike and the label has rubbed off.

However, and whatever the new challenge is, the buzz and nervous excitement of the students makes it all worth it. Our students are challenged in every way, taking on Winter Sports. They are leaving their regular school day schedule with several tricky transitions from eating lunch earlier, changing into proper clothing and gear, keeping track of gear and bags, moving to and from proper busses, meeting up and working with different groups of peers and instructors, developing new skills, and so much more.

You have probably noticed your students are exhausted by the end of the day! Not only are they getting such a great physical workout with carrying their gear back and forth, staying on their feet for the two- and half-hour lesson, and all the muscle groups in their legs, they are receiving many social and emotional benefits as well.

Some of the added benefits for this kind of activity are as follows:

  • Increased circulation equals increased endorphins and adrenaline: this can elevate the mood and provide an overall sense of wellbeing and contentment.
  • Greater sense of spacial awareness: being able to judge speed, distances, and body position begins with your mind and its’ ability to interpret surroundings.
  • Better Sleep: at the end of the day with so many charged interactions between brain and body, you might notice the Sandman comes to your home and a deep, healing sleep will come.
  • Improved concentration and thinking capacity by making strategic decisions like the best route and considering other moving objects around you. This means a greater capacity to learn in all areas of life flexing the correct brain muscles to decrease chances of suffering from mental decline in old age.

We look forward to the remaining lessons this season. Please don’t forget sunscreen and NUT-FREE snacks and water bottles for the bus rides. If you have any questions, feel free to contact the FMSL Office.

Are You Getting Ready?

Hello Parents,

I am excited winter sports season is upon us! Hopefully, the snow stays fresh throughout the season. Last Thursday, December 1st, MCS emailed out our Waiver and Release. As we strive to go paperless, it has been a bit confusing with the different links that have gone out. This far, there has been a link for Snowbird’s Ski School Waiver (Mandatory), a survey to determine Snowboarding interest, and MCS’ Waiver and Release (Mandatory).

If you have not received or filled out both Snowbird’s Waiver or MCS’ Waiver, please let the office know.

I hope everyone is getting gear sorted and ready, in particular, clearly labeling each piece. Also, letting your students practice wearing their gear, putting it on and off, familiarizing themselves with each piece of their gear, and carrying it around themselves.

Thanks so much for all of your support and enthusiasm in helping your student to be prepared for such a special experience and wonderful opportunity to experience activities our beautiful Rocky Mountains allow.

