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Introducing Cathy Bachman

| Foothill Montessori |
Welcome to FMSL Cathy

Cathy Bachman has joined our staff as our new Office Manager. She has spent the past several weeks learning the ropes and is now settling into her groove. Already she has streamlined several systems and we are happy to report that the day to day office life is running smoothly.

Cathy is a twice-over Montessori parent and now a Montessori grandma!. Her daughters, Stephanie and Elizabeth, attended FMSL throughout the 1990s and her grandson Roary is now in Sego Lily.

She was educated as an accountant, but her career was in programming, team management and project management. She loves spending time with her family, gardening and exploring different crafts.

We are delighted to have Cathy back in the Montessori community.