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Lizbeth Ricse

Lizbeth Rosa Ricse Aliaga was born in Peru, Huancayo city. She completed her Primary Education studies from 2013 to 2017 at the National University of Central Peru (UNCP). In 2018, she began her work as a Primary Education Teacher in Public schools for 4 years. For this reason, her work takes her to different regions of Peru, where she knows different learning strategies according to social and economic conditions.

In 2023, she arrived in the United States, and moved to Utah. In 2024, she began a new stage of life at the Montessori Community School. With great enthusiasm for the future, and with the same passion as an educator, she enjoys being part of the growth of each of the children.

Daniela Ramirez

Daniela is a very shy, caring, humble, and nurturing. She grew up in Southern California in a small town called Ridgecrest, then moved to Utah when she was 13 years old. Daniela has been working at FBCCC for 5 years with the 12-18 month old children. She chose to work in a Montessori environment to learn how these children learn on self direct play, hands-on, and being more independent.