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Tag: Community Building Event

Thank You- FMSL’ Holiday Giving Projects Wrapped Up

Thank you so much to all those who participated in our annual Holiday Gift Giving, particularly our PSA for helping to put the whole thing together and our elementary students for helping to carry and load so many of the gifted items.

This year we donated to three different organizations; The INN Between, International Rescue Center (IRC), and The Neighborhood House. We were able to fill every
request because of the amazing and generous support of our community.

We received a wonderful thank you note from the INN Between House, whose mission is to end the tragic history of vulnerable people dying on the streets of our community by providing a supportive and safe haven for individuals who have nowhere else to go in time of medical crisis.
Our School Director, Britney Peterson, and her family were able to deliver the gifts to the family assigned to FMSL from the IRC who needed a little help for the holidays. Britney said, “This experience was the most amazing thing that her family has ever done.” She also said that it was a wonderful opportunity, and that it was such a special experience for all of her children to be a part of. We hope each of you and your students who helped shop for gifts were able to feel a special connection to the love and peace that comes from thinking of, giving to, and sharing with others in our community.
Thank you so much for being willing to support us as we strive to support our community!

A Special Invitation to our MCS Community

MCS Families,

Our Aspens Community Builders have arranged the event below for their first Community Building event.  They have extended the invitation school-wide!

The Voice Area of the School of Music invites you to a unique outdoor experience on Presidents Circle on September 22nd at 4:10. Twenty-two of our School’s talented singers, as well as internationally acclaimed pianist Jed Moss, will present A Musical Menagerie, Animals in Song. The hour-long voice recital will include works performed in English and will feature songs about farm animals, dogs, cockroaches, frogs, snakes, worms, microbes, crows, and even warthogs. Second Chance for Homeless Pets will join us, and best of all, our outdoor space is family and animal friendly! Please join us on the lawn for a beautiful afternoon in late September celebrating and surrounded by the animals we love.