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Tag: COEEF Program Support

Fun Run – September 25, 2019

13th Annual Fun Run 2019

Wednesday – September 25, 2019

Our students have the unique opportunity to raise pledges for Service Learning Projects:

  1. The Children of Ethiopia Education Fund (COEEF) – Specifically, the COEEF program sponsors girls in Ethiopia so they can attend school.
  2. Adopt-a-Native Elder Program – Allows us to reach out to one another, share our gifts, and mend the broken circle of our relationship with the Land and the Native Americans who hold it in sacred trust.
  3. MEF Growth & Education – Continuing to grow the Montessori Educational Foundation nonprofit though grassroots Montessori advocacy and support

Make a bigger impact by

  • Helping your child to set a goal to raise a certain amount.
  • Helping your child tell family and friends about the Fun Run. You would be surprised how many friends, neighbors and grandparents are eager to support such a worthwhile cause.
  • Helping your child actively participate. (For example, earning money by doing extra chores at home. Then, in turn donating to this charitable event.)
  • Attending the event and join with them as they run or cheer them on from the sidelines.
  • Volunteering to help at the event. Please email for details.
  • Our goal this year is to raise at least $7,000 total, with 80% family participation. Help us beat exceed our previous goal.

We look forward to this exciting Service Learning experience and hope all of our families will participate with enthusiasm.

“We discovered that education is not something which the teacher does, but that it is a natural process which develops spontaneously in the human being.”
– Maria Montessori

FMSL Sponsored Girls From COEEF Update

We received letters from our two girls we sponsor through the COEEF Program: Mariana Dereje, 1st Grade  and Bethehem Eyob Shenkute, 12th Grade.

We also received cards from two of the young women whom we sponsored that graduated from 12th Grade and the COEEF Program last year! They hadn’t had a chance to update us with photos and news of their final graduation year. It has been fun to follow these beautiful young women from the time of being young girls beginning the program. It is also so encouraging to read of their plans to continue their education and begin college.

The letters are on display in the school entry way, available to admire. We hope that you will enjoy reading them! If you would like to write letters or draw pictures with your own students to send back to our girls, please feel free to do so! You may bring your letters and/ or drawings to the FMSL office.

12th Annual MCS Fun Run

If salvation and help are to come, it is from the child, for the child is the constructor of man and so of society.
The child is endowed with an inner power which can guide us to a more enlightened future.

—Maria Montessori


The heart of our Service Learning curriculum at Montessori Community School is Maria Montessori’s mandate to empower children to become agents of change, and our personal mission to create global citizens. The goal of the service works we do at all levels is to promote the development of lifelong lessons in empathy, hard work, and cultural awareness, while giving students a sense of belonging to a community.

Raising for a Good Cause:

On Thursday, September 27th, your child will be participating in our 12th annual Montessori Community School Fun Run!  Each year our students have the opportunity to raise pledges for two of our Service Learning projects, The Children of Ethiopia Education Fund, COEEF, and Adopt-a-Native Elder Program.  Please learn about these wonderful causes and support our community and your students in their efforts!

Our Montessori students will have the opportunity to raise pledges for our two main Service Learning projects: The Children of Ethiopia Education Fund (COEEF), and the Navajo Adopt-A-Native-Elder Program.  Specifically, the COEEF program will give vital financial support the girls our MCS students sponsor can attend school in Ethiopia. Pledges will also help our adopted Navajo grandmothers purchase much-needed items, such as food, firewood, clothing, and gardening tools for themselves and their families, as well as yarn to weave the beautiful rugs they sell to earn a living.


Service learning is a wonderful element of our Montessori program, and teaches students about the joy and value of contributing to their community, society, and world. We encourage you to join with us in supporting your child in service learning. You can do this by:

·      Helping your child tell family and friends about the Fun Run. You’d be surprised how many friends, neighbors and grandparents are eager to support such a worthwhile event.

·      Helping your child actively participate by earning money to pledge in the Fun Run. (For example, maybe he or she could help sweep the floor or put away clothes.)

·      Helping your child to set a goal to run a certain number of laps or to raise a certain amount of funds.

·      Attending the event (see the upcoming schedule for when your child’s class will be running) and join with them as they run their laps or cheer them on from the sidelines.

·      Volunteering to help at the event. Please email for details.

We look forward to this exciting service learning experience and hope you’ll participate with enthusiasm.


MCS Parent School Alliance

2016 – 2017 Fun Run Update

This past Monday, May 22nd each student had the opportunity to run laps through an obstacle course. Laps were tallied and pledges made. Pledges and donations are still coming in but as of today, we are at $3,900.00! A huge thank you to all those who came out to help and cheer the students on!

Also, thank you for keeping Service Learning a major part of your child’s life in supporting these wonderful causes and rallying to keep kindness, compassion, charity in your hearts. We will continue to take pledges and donations until the end of the school year. Please continue to share this cause with all.

Every little bit does make a direct difference. It has been wonderful to watch the growth of the girls we support through the COEEF Program and to be apart of the Adopt-A-Native-Elder Program and see Grandmother Elvira each year at the Rug Show.


MCS’ Service Learning Helps with COEEF’s Student Success

MCS sponsors six girls through the COEEF Program. Each year we raise money for them through our annual Fun Run in the spring. Stay tuned for more information about our Fun Run this coming season.
Please read this amazing clip from COEEF’s January 2017 Newsletter:

Great News! 

In the last nine years, 90 COEEF students have completed high school. Of these students. 83 (92.2%) joined different universities throughout Ethiopia.

Of the students who joined universities, seven of them have successfully completed their university education and started a career.

COEEF students attending universities are enrolled in the following disciplines: (Please note that the number shown in the following table doesn’t include the seven students who have completed their university education.)


Letters for Students

The girls love to receive letters and photographs from their sponsors! 

If you would like to send a letter or a small package to your student(s), please send them to COEEF’s P.O.BOX.

Deadline is April 20

Volunteers will take them to Ethiopia on our sponsor trip in May.

 We are happy to take letters or gifts under 16 oz. to your students.

Please send them to:


P.O. Box 271545,

Salt Lake City, Ut 84604. 

Please put your girl’s name and ID number on the BACK or the bottom of the letter or package.

The deadline is April 20, 2017

Our Girls We Sponsor Through COEEF: Celebrate Education for Women

“We will continue our journey to our destination of peace and education. No one can stop us. We will speak up for our rights and we will bring change to our voice. We believe in the power and the strength of our words.Our words can change the whole world because we are all together, united for the cause of education. And if we want to achieve our goal, then let us empower ourselves with the weapon of knowledge and let us shield ourselves with unity and togetherness.”

Montessori Community School donates to six beautiful young women through the Children of Ethiopia Education Fund. In celebration of International Women’s Day, March 8th, we thought we would showcase our girls. In May, MCS does an annual “Fun Run” where we raise the funds to go toward these wonderful girls. We plan on sending letters to each lovely young women. In preparation for the “Fun Run” we encourage you to talk about the program with your students in supplement to what our teachers do to prepare our students to help give and donate. Perhaps, you can make your own cards and/ or send pictures with your students which they, in turn, can drop off to the MCS Office.

This program is about giving girls the opportunity to receive an education in a country where this opportunity is slim to none. Please discuss and think about the importance, value, and effects an education can hold for these girls and their families. Click the links to see full PDF and read their letters.











