Our Green Committee is a great way to support Green Initiatives around the school. If you are interested in being part of our Green Committee, please contact our PSA.
Enjoy these great pictures of Uinta students who rode their bikes to school today! Three cheers for alternative transportation!
When the weather is fine and the construction is clear…we ride!
Our Aspens Community Builders have arranged the event below for their first Community Building event. They have extended the invitation school-wide!
The Voice Area of the School of Music invites you to a unique outdoor experience on Presidents Circle on September 22nd at 4:10. Twenty-two of our School’s talented singers, as well as internationally acclaimed pianist Jed Moss, will present A Musical Menagerie, Animals in Song. The hour-long voice recital will include works performed in English and will feature songs about farm animals, dogs, cockroaches, frogs, snakes, worms, microbes, crows, and even warthogs. Second Chance for Homeless Pets will join us, and best of all, our outdoor space is family and animal friendly! Please join us on the lawn for a beautiful afternoon in late September celebrating and surrounded by the animals we love.
The Montessori Community School Parent School Alliance (PSA) works in partnership with the MCS Administration and Staff to help strengthen, support, and empower our community of students, teachers, staff and families. We achieve this by executing the following pillars:
Collaboration: We work together with the mission to offer support to the school, which allows our children to get the most out of their education. We work in partnership with a wide array of individuals and organizations to accomplish our defined goals of community building.
Commitment: We are dedicated to promoting children’s educational success, health and well-being through strong parent, family, and community involvement.
Respect: We value our children and ourselves. We expect the same high quality of effort and thought from ourselves as we do from others.
This year’s Halloween Carnival is sure to be the best yet. There will be games, activities and a lot of fun and laughter! Tickets can be purchased from the MCS office.
There will be a volunteer sign-up form in the MCS lobby. This is great way to get some parent volunteer hours and have a safe, fun, and exciting night with your school community. This event is open to other family members and friends.
Please email: PSA@mcsslc.com for more information and and questions.