Upcoming COEEF Event

Hello MCS Families,
Things are coming together nicely here at the school. We are still working out some details but are really looking forward to the students return on Monday. Again, we can not express enough our appreciation for all of the offers to assist. And, we want you to know that the teachers at the school have worked tirelessly to prepare temporary classrooms, to support one another, and to keep the energy positive and uplifting. Our teachers are amazing!
Enjoy the remainder of your unexpected break in this most beautiful fall weather.
With deep gratitude,
MCS Administration
Thank you again to all who have offered to come to the school to help. There are already a lot of staff who are here trying to work around the cleaning staff so we do not feel we can direct many more hands. Thank you for the kind offers. We have been informed that there are families who are still looking for child care for their children. If you are willing to help in this capacity please let us know and we will try to get you in touch with families who are still searching for child care.
Dear MCS Parents,
Thank you all for your ongoing support. We are grateful for all of the offers of help and assistance. The cleaning crew is still here and they are asking that we stay out of their way while they clean, sanitize and move furniture in preparation for the building repairs. We appreciate everyone’s willingness and ask for your continued patience as we determine our needs. If/when we determine that there is a way for parents to assist us we will let you know.
At this time we have been told that it will take possibly up to 8 weeks for the Lower Level to be repaired and able to accommodate the children. We have been most fortunate to secure temporary classroom space for the Lower and Upper Elementary students and the Middle School students at the All Saints Episcopal Church with whom we share a parking lot. Staff are working to clean that space and will spend time this week creating classrooms there. The Magnolias students are being moved to several different classrooms throughout the school. (Arches, Uinta, Wasatch, Oquirrh and Magnolias parents – a more detailed email will be coming separately to outline the details of your child’s temporary classroom.)
We are still unable to fully assess the damage and/or inventory all of the ruined materials and furniture. Unfortunately, this process is much more time consuming and lengthy than we had originally anticipated.
The clean up crew is directing us to carefully sanitize all of the furniture and materials that we want to take from the Lower Level for the students to use during their temporary relocation. Currently our power is coming from a generator. We hope that we will have permanent power by this evening but are unsure. Our boiler (which provides our heat) has been partially covered with water and we are not sure the extent of its damage. Specialists have been working on it since Saturday but had to wait until the motor, etc. had dried out before conducting more extensive testing. The road right in front of our parking lot entrance is torn up and we may have to determine a plan to redirect our school traffic. There are many people working in many capacities both inside and outside the school. At this time we do not feel that it is safe for the students to return to the building. There are too many variables that are still “undetermined.” We look forward to the students returning when we feel that the building is safe for them and when we have more control over who is entering and exiting the building.
SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE WEEK. We are also working on a plan to determine how we will make up the missed days.
We understand what a huge inconvenience a school closure is and are very sorry to put our families in this position. Some of our staff members who are not needed in the relocation and set up are willing to provide child care to families who are in need. Please contact the office for names and numbers as needed.
With thanks,
MCS Administration
Hello MCS Parents,
It’s that time of year again, yes, already! Giving season! We are already being solicited to make year-end donations to various nationwide and local charities, as well as to volunteer our time and various skills. Every year we are compelled to give our support to those less fortunate than us or to causes that we feel passionate about.
One of the goals of the MCS teachers is to instill in our children a sense of responsibility to give back and support causes that are meaningful to us as a group and individually. One of my goals, as PSA President, is to help us, as parents, understand where our donations through school supported organizations are going as well as to make sure we understand who and what our donations/fundraising efforts are supporting. I also want to work with you to combine our giving efforts in the hope of making a larger impact.
With that being said, the PSA is heading up the outside fundraising efforts for the school this year. I have a lot of charities in mind but could use your help. I would love to hear back from you about what compels you to give. Who do you feel is a group really making a difference? Is it the food bank, the homeless shelters, renewable energy groups, clean air groups? Do you work with or for an organization that is making an impact locally? Where or who will you support, either financially or with your time, this year? Are any of you closely involved with a charitable organization that you would like to see the MCS community rally behind? I want to hear from you! Let’s join together as a group and really make a difference, while fulfilling the education and outreach component that is essential to our children’s classrooms.
This year, the PSA and the school would like to direct support to 4 areas of interest for our MCS families: our Navajo Grandmothers, our students in Ethiopia, the local charity that the parent community chooses, and MCS’ Classroom Giving Tree.
Our schools ongoing support of the Navajo Grandmothers has created a long-standing relationship with the Adopt a Native Elder program. We sponsor two Grandmothers: Elvira Horseherder and Emma Bahe. The Navajo Rug show is coming up this November 7th – 9th at the Snow Park Lodge in Deer Valley—Park City, UT. Our Kindergarten students and our 3rd year students will be attending this event November 6th and 7th. Prior to this event, the school will be collecting items such as: Coffee, Chicken Ramen, Tea, Quaker Oats, Meal, Salt, Spam, Baking Powder, Jello, Sugar, Peanut Butter, Canned Fruits, Veggies, and Soups, Graham Crackers, Spaghetti, Cornflakes, Pasta Noodles, Shortening, Household Items, Toiletries, Clothing, Tools, and VISA Gift Cards. VISA Gift cards are especially lovely, as our Grandmothers do not have a lot of space in their vehicles to bring items back to their home. They can also use the gift cards to purchase the much-needed firewood to heat their homes through the winter.
MCS sponsors 7 girls through the Children of Ethiopia Education Fund. This fund exists to empower young girls in Ethiopia from impoverished circumstances to have a quality, private education through generous sponsors and donors. Around the holiday season we collect items and money that goes directly to our girls to continue our sponsorship and to heighten and brighten their holiday season.
Classroom specific giving is a way for us to directly impact the learning and growth of our kids. This year there will be a giving tree in the lobby that contains tags for each classroom. On the tags will be items the teachers ‘wish’ to have in the classroom selected from Montessori Services, Small Hands, and other places. It could be a need that the teachers feel would enrich the class environment or a replacement for a work that has been worked and loved hard over many years. Come the end of October, there will be a tree set up in the MCS lobby with tags color coded for each classroom and specialty class. There will also be envelopes that will allow you to anonymously donate money toward an item or a classroom.
Please know that I understand we often feel overwhelmed by groups asking for our support. We may feel that we are being asked to often or for too much. But, these giving options are here to offer you a place to give if you feel compelled. There are no obligations or requirements to give. You can give a little, a lot, or not! We are trying to give you a heads up as to what is coming so you may make decisions on how or if you would like to proceed as far as giving and donations this year.
I am really looking forward to hearing from you about the charities that mean something to you and your ideas about where the PSA can help direct the giving of our community.
Again, your feedback is so important. Please contact me directly about this and any other parent community issues or ideas you would like to share. After your feedback, a decision will be made as to which charity/ies our school will support this year.
Thank you,
Ann Beverly
PSA President