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Tag: Elementary Middle School Kindergarten

2017 Uinta Adventure

Last week our Upper Elementary students, the Uinta class, set adrift for an amazing Adventure to Split Mountain, Vernal. They enjoyed three days of fun, learning, and life experiences. Despite the inclement weather they adventured to the max and had a blast. They are made of stern stuff!   Students, teachers and parent chaperones did a service learning project at Josie’s Cabin, rafted the Green River (in the snow!), enjoyed a beautiful hike in the area and visited the Dinosaur Quarry.

Students spent the year earning funds for their adventure through the Montessori Market and preparing for their rafting trip with their in-depth GO studies of the water shed. This adventure was a culmination of many important Upper Elementary lessons; from planning and executing a trip to in-depth follow up to their outdoor studies and many things in between.

Thank you to everyone who shopped the Market and supported their other business ventures for making this possible.   Below find some fun quotes from parent chaperones and a handful of photos documenting this amazing adventure!

The children were in full on camping mode. The cold rain and snow did not deter, or steer them off course from their planned itinerary. It was obvious that they worked hard to prepare before the trip, as many duties fell into place.
They braved the big, cold waters of the Green River, in winter conditions. They hiked the trails of Dinosaur Nation Park. They explored the quarry and represented The Montessori Community School at its best. Well done children!

Aaron Rashaw

The Ultimate Adventure!

With Jude graduating from the sixth grade, this will be my last opportunity to chaperone at MCS. I couldn’t have asked for a better experience! I’ve never been to Dinosaur National Monument; so to go with nineteen of the most adventurous ten to twelve year olds ever, made the outing that much more enjoyable. Believe me: they braved the elements that only a Utah spring can muster; and they did so with respect of nature and stoic resolve. There was nothing that could have dampened their enthusiasm. I know the students learned a great deal about the hydrologic system of the Green River, but I seemed to be their student as they embraced the desert and embraced life!

Thanks again for the wonderful opportunity!
Gregg Wood

MCS Recognizes Earth Day







Montessori Community School loves the passion our students have toward caring for our earth. They help with keeping our grounds clear of trash, working in our gardens, composting, and planting raised garden beds. Our students also implement and are responsible for recycling throughout our school. We try very hard to make our school and community a greener place.


First Day of Winter Sports

The first day of Winter Sports was a success! We would love to thank all those who chaperoned and made it possible for our students to enjoy and learn such great activities and develop their skills and talents.



MCS’ Ski and Snowboard lessons are taught at Brighton Resort. The first day of lessons can be a bit tricky as instructors adjust groups. Instructors will assess each student and figure out what level that student will enjoy and be able to continue to develop and enhance their skills.



Our chaperones were great in helping to keep spirits high, students organized, and feeling secure. This year we have 24 Kindergartners participating in the Winter Sports Program. It was awesome to see them hauling their gear by themselves to and from the school and also to observe the older students reassuring and comforting them.



Murray County Ice is providing ice-skating lessons to a portion of our students. Again, our parent chaperones were wonderful in providing support to our students and teachers.



Spirits were high as students finished their lesson and moved into the free-skate period to practice what they learned.


Fill-the-Pack Holiday Giving Project

This year, Montessori Community School particpated in a service learning opportunity that touched the lives of many by supporting a local charity.

This year, after looking into many areas of need in our community, we participated

in the Fill-the-Pack Project created by the Homeless Youth Resource Center. This relatively new program provides a way to get some basic survival necessities (toothbrushes, toiletries, hats, gloves, and blankets are just a few of the items in the packs) to teens that are living on the streets of Salt Lake City.

MCS provided two backpacks for each of our classrooms to fill with items from the Homeless Youth Resource Center needs list.There was such a wonderful response from our students and families! We were able to fill and deliver 24 backpacks plus many other various items that were brought in and donated. Imagining these teens out on the streets trying to make it- these backpacks were truly a heartfelt, supportive gift. We know our community felt the spirit of giving when one family filled two backbacks on their own and many students were talking about how grateful they are to have families supporting them and warm beds to sleep in at night. Our students kept trying to fit more and more into these packs. Their kind hearts and generosity was overwhelming.

Thank you to all the MCS families who helped with this tremendous project and learning opportunity. To find our more about the Homeless Youth Resource Center, please check out the following links:



LiVe Well- 8 Healthy Habits for Kids, Teens, and Families

                                               Intermountain LiVe Well Assembly

                                                 The 8 Health Habits—The Musical!

MCS Kindergarteners, Elementary, and Middle School students attended Intermountain’s LiVe Well assembly.

The assembly was a fun-filled 45-minute health education show called LiVe—The 8 Healthy Habits Musical!

The Grand Theatre and Corporate Staging Resources brought the excitement of live theater to MCS in hopes

to encourage students to adopt healthy eating and exercise habits. In a mix of drama and humor, performers

spoke to our students hoping to empower them with the skills they need to critically evaluate media messages

and peer group pressures in order to make healthy choices from eating more vegetables and obtaining at least

10 hours of sleep at night.

The first 3 healthy habits revolve around the food and drinks that are put into our bodies:

     1.   Always east breakfast and make it a healthy one.

      2.   Eat more fruits and vegetables.

      3.   Limit –or eliminate sweetened beverages.

Followed by the next two healthy habits revolving around activity:

       4.   Sit less and limit screen time. 

       5.   Move more.

The final 3 involve sleep and support.

       6.   Get enough sleep.

       7.   Eat meals together as a family.

       8.   Be positive about food and body image.

Wholesome varieties of activity, food, sleep, and support are proven to be crucial to a balanced and healthy

lifestyle.  The LiVe Well program is geared toward educating and motivating the younger generations to practice

and incorporate the 8 health habits into their lives.


Our MCS students were, of course, the perfect audience. Our students demonstrated the utmost level of respect

with beautiful live interaction and well thought out responses.


MCS encourages our parents to review with their students the 8 healthy habits and find ways to better

incorporate these practices into their daily routine. Parents may have one of the most powerful roles in helping

to shape a child’s life. Support from parents and/ or guardians is essential to forming habits. Let us try to make

healthier choices for our future generations and ourselves.