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The Labyrinth

A labyrinth can be used for walking meditation. The one built by the Uinta students and staff is a single winding path from the outer edge in a circuitous way to the center and out again.

Labyrinths are used world-wide as a way to quiet the mind, calm anxieties, recover balance in life, enhance creativity and encourage meditation, insight, self-reflection and stress reduction.

Let the walking begin.

Welcome to 2022-23

Dear FMSL community,

Brandi and I are delighted to welcome you to the 2022-23 academic year. We want to extend our gratitude to our community for the many ways you have helped us prepare for this new school year:

Students- thank you for bringing joy, curiosity and exuberance to our school life. You are a constant encouragement to us to be our best selves and be fully present in each precious moment of the day.

Parents- thank you for your support, encouragement, and honesty. Your focus on addressing the pressing needs within our community as well as looking ahead to the future is so very necessary.

Teachers and staff- thank you for the care and attention you have put into making FMSL a warm, beautiful, and safe space for all. We are so very appreciative of your dedication to our community

Each year our staff has a theme that helps provide focus for our individual effort and our collaborative work. This year’s theme is Breathe. Taking time for restful breathing and deliberate breath can help us maintain the calm needed for clear thinking. It provides us a way to manage situations that may be stressful, people who are anxious, or things that may be challenging.

A new year brings new opportunities and we are feeling optimistic about the future. Please don’t hesitate to reach out should you have questions.

With gratitude,

Brandi & Margaret

Tomorrow’s Child

Don’t forget to take a look at the newest issue of Tomorrow’s Child, which will be placed in your child’s take-home file this week.  Some of the interesting articles that we recommend include:

The Most Shocking Thing I Learned as a Montessori Parent, by Terri Sherrill Why Montessori for the Kindergarten Year, by Tim Seldin Dear Cathie – Stars and Stickers, by Cathie Perolman

Along with caring for and loving our wonderful students we are always looking for ways to nurture our parent’s spirits.  Merging Montessori and parenthood can be a tricky task at times.  Often parents find themselves trying to revisit the reasons they chose a Montessori education in the first place.  Our school spends a portion of our funds allocated for parent education on a Tomorrow’s Child subscription for each of our families.  We invite you to nurture your spirit with the inspirations of Montessorians (parents, teachers, and administrators) across the country as they share ideas and reflections of their personal Montessori experiences.

As we consider the best use of funds in the future, we would love your feedback on the Tomorrow’s Child subscription.  Please, if you are a regular reader, let us know.  What are you getting from your subscription?  Your feedback on this matter is, as always, greatly valued.

Happy Reading!