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Gratitude from Brandi and Margaret

| Foothill Montessori |

And here it is, the end of another school year.  Call it what you like – unprecedented, singular or done (phew),  this year has certainly been one for the books! Brandi and I want to thank our students, staff and parents for the support and patience shown these past 10 months. We had successes and some challenges, yet despite everything, our combined efforts ensured our community was safe and the school remained open.

Firstly, we want to thank our students for their contributions this year. They wore their masks, washed their hands and learned so many new procedures and routines it would make your head spin, yet they did them all! Over and over this year, they showed real grit when faced with obstacles and reached out with help and compassion when classmates or teachers needed support or encouragement. We are so proud of them for all their hard work.

We would like to thank our hard working and caring staff who have made a huge difference to our students and families. Their commitment is outstanding. We thank them for providing an amazing Montessori experience for our students, one that allows for wonder, fosters curiosity, and  promotes responsibility for self and others. For this, and a million other things, we are truly grateful.

And lastly, we are so very grateful to each family for your attention, dedication, and understanding. We are humbled by what you have done to support our students, staff, and us this year. Without your partnership, this year would not have been possible. If this is your last year at FMSL, we would like to thank you for your contributions and for the guidance that you have provided for your children. Our best wishes to you.  For those of you returning in the fall, we look forward to being together again this August for what we hope will be a return to more normal times.

In closing, we wish you all a very happy, safe and enjoyable summer.

Our heartfelt gratitude to everyone, 

Brandi & Margaret