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Looking Ahead to 2021-22

| Foothill Montessori |

With the end of the 2020-21 school year in sight, we know many of you may be wondering about our plans for the fall. While predicting the future is beyond our grasp we assume that 2021-22 will still be affected by the pandemic. This past year, we learned a great deal from our successes and challenges while conducting in person school and have used this experience to begin drafting A Safe Return to School, 2021-22. We will look to make decisions that afford an abundance of caution while balancing the impact on individuals and doing what is necessary for the betterment of the whole community. The following are preliminary plans about a few key topics:

  • COVID mitigation efforts will remain steady for a good portion of the new school year.
  • Anticipate that masks may still need to be worn by students and non vaccinated staff except for mask breaks, lunch, naps and recess.
  • FMSL will focus on in-person learning. We shall not offer a remote learning option. Should a student need to miss school for an extended period due to COVID related sickness or quarantine we will work to accommodate some age appropriate synchronous learning opportunities. Teachers will work with elementary students and their families to get them caught up upon their return.
  • Class sizes will be larger than this year.
  • Anticipate that extended care hours may be extended to closer to pre-pandemic times.
  • Field trips and in-house presentations will resume. Decisions for specific destinations and presentations will be made with consideration of safety protocols in place by the vendors.
  • On-site parent volunteer and chaperone opportunities will be considered.
  • Anticipate continuing virtual observations, parent/teacher conferences and parent education opportunities. In-person events will be considered based on the state of COVID at the time and the community’s ability to adhere to the school’s policy and procedures.
  • Anticipate outside drop-off and pick-up procedures will continue.
  • It is possible that children ages 2-11 could potentially be eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine this fall. Vaccine requirements are yet to be determined. We will continue to monitor the guidance from state and federal entities in relation to this.

This update likely prompts numerous questions, some of which we cannot answer before further planning efforts. We will continue to assess the state of COVID over the summer so as to finalize our plans. The full details will be communicated, in early August, prior to the start of the next school year.

We thank you for your continued support.