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Letter from the Head of School, Robyn

| Foothill Montessori |
In the midst of this Holiday Season I give thanks for our precious children, dedicated and caring staff and our supportive families. This year we have had the highest enrollment since we moved to our current location and I attribute this to the fact that we have such incredible teachers and support staff and also such wonderful families who often make financial sacrifices to ensure that their children have all the opportunities that a true Montessori school has to offer them. These children will of course grow academically in our school and in addition they will grow in so many other ways. They will learn how to learn, to respect themselves, their peers, teachers and support staff and their environment, they will learn to become independent, free thinkers, learn how to be flexible and co-operative, to be innovative and to solve problems and so much more.

In our current world environment so many of these skills are just as important or more important as achieving academically. In the past many of us have chosen a career path early in life and have stayed in that field for an entire working career. Some of our current parents might end up having that  opportunity. However, with the speed of changes in technology and many other developments in our world there will be so many new and innovative opportunities in the future and people may change career paths several times during their working life. I believe that many Montessori students are likely to be some of the innovators- just as Sergey Brin and Larry Page, the CEO’s of Google, who attribute their success to their Montessori education where they were encouraged to “think outside the box”, are innovators.

Another aspect of Montessori education that will be so important in the influence it will play in our students lives will be the  fact that they have learned how to get along with others – to listen to each other, have their own opinions but  consider others viewpoints, be empathetic towards others, honor other people’s choices, work towards peaceful outcomes and know how to communicate effectively with others.

They will also have learned to think of others and to have the desire to give to other who are less fortunate. I realize that parents have played a big part in donating to all the “Giving Projects” this holiday season and hope that you took the opportunity to include your children at the level of involvement that is age appropriate. I am grateful for the generosity of all our families who were in a position to contribute to those who have such great needs.

In closing, on behalf of all our staff I would like to say that we send our best wishes to you for a very special Holiday Season with family and friends. May your time together be all that you hope for.

Have a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.

