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Return To School 2020-21

| Foothill Montessori |

This summer our administrative team is actively planning for the 2020-21 school year. While we have made considerable progress in each of our main areas of focus- 1) the health and safety of our community, 2) the educational experience of our students and 3) the financial health of the school, much work still needs to be done prior to the return to school.

Our plans continue to be aligned with Utah’s color-coded risk phases so that if the city or state moves into a different risk status at any point in the school year, we are ready to shift too. FMSL continues to take into consideration the guidelines provided by the state of Utah and the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We are collaborating with our Health and Safety Committee, schools within Utah and across the country to develop best practices for operating during a pandemic. Ultimately, every decision we make is guided by our commitment to our students and their families while doing all we can to protect the health and safety of our community.

The Health and Safety Committee will be meeting in the next few weeks to review safety protocols and measures. Margaret Mc Donald is coordinating efforts in this area. The committee’s focus points are: Building Sanitation, Physical Distancing, Hand Hygiene, Health Screening, Illness Policy and Face Coverings

Academically, in 2020-21 we must be prepared to switch between different learning models based on community health risks. A task force of teachers from each program level has been organized to develop plans for three different learning models:

  1. On-site instruction
  2. Hybrid model
  3. Distance Learning 2.0

As we design for these three different teaching and learning models, we are focusing on the developmental considerations of each program. During on-site instruction all programs will run close to normal yet modifications and protocols will be in place to reinforce good hygiene, allow for social distancing, and curtail the mixing of groups. The hybrid model, available to Elementary students, will be a blend of on-site and distance learning instruction. Distance Learning 2.0 will combine synchronous (live) instruction with asynchronous (accessible anytime) instruction and materials in a schedule intentionally designed to provide a healthy school/life balance. It is important to note that this will be much revised from the “emergency” distance learning program offered this past year. Distance learning will be optional for Toddler and Early childhood students. Brandi Allen will provide oversight in this area.

The financial implications of COVID-19 have meant we have had to return to the drawing board and rebuild the budget for 2020-21. This is the collective effort of the administrative team. Our goal is to allow the school to keep a balanced budget without negatively impacting the resources for teaching and learning. We recognize that our families have also been impacted financially and understand the enormity of the financial commitment that enrolling in a private school places on a family while we are experiencing a pandemic. It is our hope that the tuition scenarios outlined below will help you move forward in making a decision that is right for your family. The following decisions are based on our projections of income from tuition for 2020-21 and anticipated operating expenses for these unusual times.  Please review the following information to see how tuition will be addressed for each of the color coded risk levels:

Risk Level Toddler Early Childhood Elementary Tuition & Ex Day Fees
GreenCampus Open On-site instruction On-site instruction On-site instruction Full tuition & Ex day fees apply
YellowCampus Open On-site instruction On-site instruction On-site instruction Full tuition & Ex day fees apply
OrangeCampus Open 0n-site instruction(additional classrooms set up to facilitate smaller group sizes, adjusted Ex day schedule to allow for groups to remain separate) On-site instruction(additional classrooms set up to facilitate smaller group sizes, adjusted Ex day schedule to allow for groups to remain separate) Hybrid Model- blend of onsite & distance learning instruction(may include a modified schedule to allow for smaller groups to attend, adjusted Ex day schedule to allow for groups to remain separate) Full tuition & Ex Day fees apply
RedCampus Closed

(on-site childcare offered for essential workers)

Distance Learning 2.0*Optional Distance Learning 2.0*Optional Distance Learning 2.0 75% of daily rate of tuitionEx day fees credited

* Distance learning is optional for Toddler and Early Childhood students. Families of children in either of these programs may elect to reserve their child’s place at 50% of the daily tuition rate for the period of time that we are in red.

Please note, that while invoices for 2020-21 include a Field trip and Activity fee the risk level at any given time will determine whether students can participate in off campus events. Should Winter Sports need to be canceled applicable fees will be credited.

We feel it important to point out our current withdrawal policy- All withdrawals must be submitted to the Director of Admissions in writing. Any early withdrawal will result in the forfeiture of the entire $650 commitment fee. If you withdraw your child:

  • Between July 21 and August 25, you will be responsible to make payment for 30 days of tuition, in addition to the forfeiture of the $650 non-refundable commitment fee.
  • Between August 26 and November 30, you will be responsible for 50% of the academic year tuition.
  • After December 1, you will be responsible for 100% of the academic year tuition.
  • After January 31, you will be responsible for 100% of the academic year tuition plus summer tuition if you chose the Full Year Option.