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Tag: Parent Teacher Conferences

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up quickly!

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Friday, February 4, 2022. Progress Reports will be published in Compass prior to conferencing. Please note, all conferences will be virtual. The process to sign-up for a time slot will be shared with you soon.

Helpful tips to make the most of your conference:

  • Be prepared. Write down questions or things you would like to discuss and email the teachers with your questions before the conference.
  • Confer with your child. Ask your child if there is anything they would like you to discuss with the teachers.
  • Use your time carefully. Keep the conference focused on the child and the purpose of the conference.
  • Listen and share. Be open to suggestions from the teacher and be prepared to share suggestions of your own. No one knows your child like you know them.
  • Ask for clarification. If you are unclear about what the teacher is telling you about your child, ask for specific examples. Remember that you and the teachers are a team and your main focus is meeting the needs of your child.
  • Write it down. Take notes so you can share information with your child after the meeting.
  • Keep the teacher informed. Things happening at home often affect children’s behavior and performance at school.
  • Summarize. At the end, make sure that everyone understands what was talked about and what they have committed to do.
  • Follow up. If you have items that need to be followed up on, establish a check-in date.

Please note, the school and office are closed on all PTC days.

Tips for Parents for a Successful Parent-Teacher Conference

Parent Teacher Conferences are coming up quickly!  Enjoy these helpful tips for making the most of your conference!

Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Friday, November 9th. There will be no school that day. Sign-up sheets for the conferences are on a table in the lobby, arranged by class, from Toddlers to Upper Elementary (please check the top of each page for the name of the class).  As we do every year, we ask that you observe the following requests:

· Please sign up for one meeting time per child.

· Please be on time for your conference.
· Please help the teachers to stay on time.

· Please arrange for childcare during Parent/Teacher conferences.We have included some additional tips that might be useful in having a successful Parent Teacher Conference:

  • Write down questions or things you would like to discuss and email the teacher(s) with your questions/comments before the conference.
  • Ask your child if there is anything they would like you to discuss with the teacher(s).
  • Keep the conference focused on the child and the purpose of the conference-use your time carefully.
  • Be open to suggestions from the teacher.
  • Be prepared to share suggestions of your own. No one knows your child like you know him/her.
  • If you are unclear about what the teacher is telling you about your child, ask for specific examples. Remember that you and the teacher(s) are a team and your main focus is meeting the needs of your child.
  • Take notes so you can share information with your child after the meeting.
  • Make sure the teachers have the best contact information for you and that you have a clear understanding of the communication protocol.
  • Keep the teacher informed.  Things happening at home often affect children’s behavior at school.
  • At the end of your conference make sure that everyone understands what was talked about and what they can/have agreed to do to follow up.
  • Follow up.  If you have concerns that need to be followed up on, set up that time in advance.

MCS Emergency Preparedness

We want to extend our deepest sympathies to the Sandy Hook Elementary community and also take this opportunity to communicate our own emergency protocols to MCS parents.  In light of recent events, we are moving forward more urgently with the plans we have been developing in conjunction with a few dedicated parents who have formed our Emergency Preparedness Committee, particularly Sara Hart, who spearheads the committee. The lockdown procedure has been a priority for us since the EPC formed last spring.

As part of our Emergency Preparedness, various members of the EPC have taken FEMA courses online that provide advice about preparing for various emergency situations. At our November meeting, one of our parents brought back what she had learned from the Lockdown course specifically. She is preparing a presentation to faculty about the contents of the course and we will incorporate many of its recommendations. Throughout the fall our facilities staff has been laying the hardware necessary for installing phone lines in all the classrooms. This would ensure that in the case of a lockdown situation we could communicate to all the classrooms at once. Phones will be used strictly for emergency purposes. We will finalize the installment of the phone lines over the winter break. Every classroom now has an updated evacuation plan, thanks to parent Jodi Geroux, who was instrumental in bringing building safety to our attention last year. In her capacity as an architect she re-created emergency evacuation route maps.  We have regularly practiced fire and earthquake drills this year so students and teachers are aware of the evacuation routes. We have spoken specifically with specialty and extended day teachers about practicing these routes. We will continue these monthly drills and plan to implement a lockdown drill once phone lines have been installed. We will notify parents before our first lockdown drill. Teachers will prepare the children for the drill and we ask that parents also discuss it with their child(ren). The other priority for us has been identifying potential emergency notification systems to communicate with parents in the event of a school-wide emergency. We have been researching voicemail and texting services. We will continue to use Facebook and our website as a form of communication with our parents. Outside doors are only unlocked during arrival and dismissal times and are locked at all other times. We ask all staff to be vigilant and watch for people we don’t recognize and to ask anyone we don’t recognize how we can help them. We ask and expect every visitor to check in at office. Parents are required to sign children in and out each day so we have an accurate idea of who is and isn’t in the building at any given time.We recognize that children will have questions. Teachers will address questions simply, and invite children to discuss the events at home. We welcome any questions or concerns you have. Our Emergency Preparedness Committee includes Bob Buchanan, Jan Bosen, Ramira Alamilla, and parents Sara Hart, Jodi Geroux, Rachel Koontz, Vicki Wilkins, Christopher LeCluyse, and Deidre Becker.


We are grateful for each member of this community and it is our highest priority to ensure the safety of all of the children you entrust to our care.

Warm regards,


Robyn, Ramira, and MCS Administration