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Author: Alejandro Malespin

Introducing our Specialty Subjects and Teachers

Outdoor Classroom (OC)

Early Childhood students participate each week in the Outdoor Classroom where they explore the plants, soil, invertebrates, birds, and weather in all of the seasons through hands-on activities. The students have many opportunities to practice and master essential developmental skills such as balance, control, independence, focus, and coordination through digging, building with logs, sticks and rocks, and interacting with nature in this class. The purpose of the Early Childhood Outdoor Program is to help students gain an understanding and love for the natural world around them.

Lower Elementary students participate in the Outdoor Classroom where they explore and interact with the garden area throughout the changing seasons and learn about plant identification, functions, and uses, as well as earth history, animal adaptations, and paleo cultures. The purpose of the Lower Elementary Outdoor Program is to help students gain an understanding and love for the natural world around them while engaging in problem solving and creative application.

Great Outdoors (GO)

In Upper Elementary, the Great Outdoors program facilitates meaningful interaction with the environment through a three-year rotating cycle involving watershed, Utah native plants, as well as ecosystems and relationships in nature. Students explore habitats through hiking, lessons, activities, projects, observation, note taking, sketching, and researching. The purpose of these expeditions is to give the students a direct, personal connection with their natural world and, through that connection, a better understanding of the world around them as well as of themselves.

Donda Hartsfield


Kara Rasmussen

Spanish (Elementary)

In Lower Elementary the Spanish specialist incorporates Spanish into the students’ daily routine by providing lessons in vocabulary, grammar and many practical life experiences.

In Upper Elementary, Spanish instruction is provided under two main standards: Spanish language lessons and Rosetta Stone, an interactive computer program. Each week students have the opportunity to receive lessons from an instructor that furthers their understanding of the grammar of the language and supports their advancement through Rosetta Stone to practice vocabulary, writing and speaking.

Maria Reynosa

Parent Teacher Conferences


Parent Teacher Conferences are coming soon! Be sure to sign up for a conferencing time slot.

Helpful tips to make the most of your conference:

  • Be prepared. Write down questions or things you would like to discuss and email the teachers with your questions before the conference.
  • Confer with your child. Ask your child if there is anything they would like you to discuss with the teachers.
  • Use your time carefully. Keep the conference focused on the child and the purpose of the conference.
  • Listen and share. Be open to suggestions from the teacher and be prepared to share suggestions of your own. No one knows your child like you know them.
  • Ask for clarification. If you are unclear about what the teacher is telling you about your child, ask for specific examples. Remember that you and the teachers are a team and your main focus is meeting the needs of your child.
  • Write it down. Take notes so you can share information with your child after the meeting.
  • Keep the teacher informed. Things happening at home often affect children’s behavior and performance at school.
  • Summarize. At the end, make sure that everyone understands what was talked about and what they have committed to do.
  • Follow up. If you have items that need to be followed up on, establish a check-in date.

Please note, the school and office are closed on all PTC days.

Book Fair

We are excited to be able to offer an online book fair, in addition to our in person book fair!

The Story Cupboard is providing our book fair with over 1300 titles to satisfy readers, artists and scientists of all ages.  There are great books, experiments and activities to enjoy all year long with titles across many genres, popular series, award winners, Beehive Book Award Nominees and Battle Books.  This is a great opportunity to stock your student’s library as well as the school’s while utilizing a local business.

Please feel free to invite your family and friends to participate in our book fair by sending them the Online Book Fair instructions.  The Story Cupboard is happy to ship to any United States address.  

Book Fair Dates

  • October 24 – 27 Onsite in the school gym
  • Mondays hours: 2:45 PM until 3:45 PM
  • Tuesday through Thursdays hours : 8:15 AM – 9:15 AM and 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM
  • Be sure to check out the Classroom Wish Lists for books that you might gift to your class.

Alternatively books can be purchased online

Today – Oct 31 Online at The Story Cupboard

FMSL fundraiser code: MCSBooks

NOTE: This code must go in the “special instructions to the seller” box at checkout for our school to receive credit towards our fundraiser.

Order Pick Up and Delivery

All online orders will be delivered to the school unless you pay for shipping!

You may pick your online book orders up at Foothill Montessori of Salt Lake after the online book fair closes.  The book fair pickup day will be communicated via email.  

You may receive your books directly by paying for shipping when ordering.

Welcome to the World Babies

Upper elementary teacher, Joshi, recently gave birth to baby boy Julian Osata Johnson. Joshi and her husband Zach are so excited to begin the journey of parenthood.

Early childhood teacher, Ruby, welcomed her latest grandchild into the family this past weekend. Andrei Stephan Chouldjian makes Ruby a three time grandmother.

Grandparents Ruby & Mike

Introducing our Elementary Staff

The art of engaging children is at the heart of the Montessori elementary classroom. Captivating interest is the key to motivating further exploration, practice, and mastery. The adult’s role is multifaceted. Inspiring the children to connect to knowledge and skills, she fosters work in the classroom by presenting a wide range of stories and lessons. She is a beacon of calm in a swirl of activity and the deep bond between teacher and child, cultivated over the three-year relationship, is at the root. Adults are tasked with the responsibility of maintaining an enriched environment always prepared for the children’s work.
– Montessori Guide

Lower Elementary Teachers: Bonnie, Diana and Ruth


Upper Elementary Teachers: Carson, Chip and Joshi


Watch this short video from Montessori Guide to learn more about the role of the Adult in the Elementary classroom. The Hook 

Community Builders Needed!

What: Each class needs 1-2 community builders to plan a few class activities after school. Past examples include: meeting at a playground, ice skating, sledding, parent-only social…

Where: Community builders can choose the activity or meeting place.

When: Community Builders decide. Often activities are planned right after school, early evening or on a Saturday.

Why: It is an FMSL tradition that each class has 1-2 community builder(s) who can plan a few outside-of-school activities throughout the school year. Developing and being part of a school community is part of what makes FMSL special. This volunteer position satisfies volunteer hours asked for by FMSL.

How: If you are interested/able to sign up to be a community builder, your child’s teachers will send you the class email list and you can email families as needed. Please let Anna Martin know – – if you would like to be a community builder or have any questions.

Thank you for your support!

Anna Martin

PSA Community Builder Contact

Robyn’s Message to the Community

One question that was posed to me by parents recently was, “What are your legacy and succession plans? How can the school best live on in perpetuity no matter who is in leadership?”

Over the past few years I have had three different parties, associated with the school, plus an outside company, who have expressed a serious interest in purchasing the school, so I will consider those options for the future.

One important factor regarding the sale of the school, if that was to happen, would be based on my opinion as to whether or not I believed that the new owners had the same or a similar vision for the school. Another important factor would be the opinions of the staff regarding the potential buyer/s. I truly value their input.

If I was to die, or be incapacitated suddenly, my daughter, KereAna, who lives in New Zealand, and like all other members of our family has been involved with the school in so many ways since she was a child, and who has worked in the business sector for many years, has indicated that she would return to oversee the running of the school until it could be sold. At this point my four children will inherit the school business as well as the building in equal shares. It would not be sold until there was a buyer who met my criteria.

On the 15th I will be flying home to New Zealand. My high school is celebrating its 75th Jubilee – the last one held was the 50th which I was able to attend. I was not sure if this was the ideal time to leave but most of my best friends will be attending, and in addition over the past month I have found out that one of my closest friends has been moved to Hospice care and another with Lewy Body dementia that appears to be progressing very quickly. It is important that I spend some time with them so I have chosen to go. At this point I am planning to be gone for 2-3 weeks. I will be able to be reached by email.


Best wishes,


Kendalyn Mathews

Ms. Kendalyn was born and raised in Utah, surrounded by the Montessori philosophy from an early age. Having grown up with this unique approach to education, she developed a deep appreciation for its emphasis on independence, curiosity, and hands-on learning. The Montessori method has always inspired her and continues to shape her educational journey and approach in the classroom. Currently, she is interning and working towards receiving her Montessori credentials through the Center for Guided Montessori Studies (CGMS), further deepening her expertise and commitment to the Montessori way.

Catherine Mathews

Catherine Mathews was born in and has spent most of her life in Utah. She was introduced to Montessori philosophy when her children were young and fell in love with its beautiful education for life. Cathie has been involved in Montessori environments since 2002. She received her Early Childhood Certification through the Institute of Guided Studies and joined the FMSL staff in 2017. Cathie has taught in Early Childhood and Early Elementary Montessori environments and has enjoyed both. In June of 2023, Catherine began her Montessori Leadership certification and was named the Head of School. She has felt just as much love and passion in supporting adults as she has always experienced with children. In July of 2024 Catherine & her husband Brian, along with Doug & Teresa Reed, purchased FMSL. They are so happy to watch as FMSL becomes a vibrant school once again. Cathie’s greatest love is her family. Together, she and her husband, Brian, are the parents of 2 girls and 4 boys, plus one bonus daughter. She feels the best gig in her life is that of being a grandparent!

Brooklyn Roush

Brooklyn was born and raised in Utah. She is a Montessori enthusiast who believes that the best classrooms are the ones where curiosity rules, peace thrives, and concentration is protected. After graduating from a Montessori-inspired charter high school, Brooklyn developed a deep appreciation for Montessori from a family member and fell in love with the method. In 2021, she dove headfirst into a training course with the Center for Guided Montessori Studies (CGMS) and is currently completing her certification to be a Montessori Infant and Toddler Guide, ready to help the littlest learners become big thinkers. When Brooklyn isn’t in the classroom, she’s likely reading a book, enjoying a lake day, winning at Mario Kart, or spending time with family and friends. Brooklyn is always looking to expand her knowledge and go on adventures — both in life and in learning.